Saturday, March 12, 2011

1) Properties of Matter

  • Properties of matter are classified as physical or chemical.
  • Physical properties can be measured without changing the identity and composition of the substance.
  • Chemical properties describe the way a substance may change or react to form other substances.
  • Intensive properties do not depend on the amount of the sample and can be used to identify substances.
  • Extensive properties depend on the amount of the sample present.
  • Changes in matter can also be classified as physical or chemical.
  • A physical change occurs when a substance changes its physical appearance but not its composition.
  • A chemical change or chemical reaction occurs when a substance is transformed into a chemically different substance.
  • All changes of state are physical changes.
  • Three ways to separate mixtures are filtration, distillation, and chromatography.
  • These three ways depend on the differences of properties of matter to work.
  • Chromatography depends on the differing abilities of substances to adhere to surfaces of various solids.

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